The book titled "ZeitZug: Czernowitz-Prag-Wien" is an international Austrian-Czech-Ukrainian cultural project. Its main goal is the unification of the cultural space of the European countries based on their shared history. The project is an attempt to realize a retrospective utopia. The book title is not chosen by chance - it is about three cities, which are closely connected by their history, poetry and lives of their authors.
From the Austrian side a project is represented byMilena Findeis - an Austrian poet and photographer, publisher of the online magazine, who lives and works in Prague. The Ukrainian side is represented by Iryna Vikyrchak, a young poetess and photographer from Chernivtsi.
This project presents a completely new literary and visual format. The book will be bilingual (German-Ukrainian) and will include 60 poems with translations. Each poem will be illustrated with art photography. Translations of poems will be done by Claudia Dathe and Peter Ryhlo Diana Klochko is the editor of the book.
Thus, the book will be filled with the actual materials of the art content: a combination of words and visual images.
Three presentations of the book are planned in three cities in a logical sequence.
First collection will be represented on September 2, 2011 in the second International Poetry Festival MERIDIAN CZERNOWITZ in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. The book will be represented by the authors (Milena Findeis and Iryna Vikyrchak), translators Claudia Dathe and Petro Rychlo and by the well-known Ukrainian writers Juri Andrukhovych and Igor Pomerantsev.
The second presentation will take place in Prague in autumn 2011and the third one – is planned in Vienna in spring 2012.
Austrian-Czech-Ukrainian cultural project "ZeitZug: Czernowitz-Prag-Wien" came into life as a product of the cooporation between the International Poetry Festival MERIDIAN CZERNOWITZ, its participants, organization committee and partners.
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